Monday, January 13, 2014

How’s everything going? Life is great. Transfers are tomorrow. I'm staying for a 3rd transfer.

So last week we had some pretty cool things happen. We met a lady named Heather a little while ago, and last week Monday we decided to go back and try to teach them or set up an appointment. When we got to their place, to the left of their main door, they have glass doors you can see into. As we were walking up we saw them playing on these 4 TV screens next to each other. I realized they were playing the game World of Warcraft. She opens the door and was like what’s up guys? We talked for a bit and she asked do you guys like video games? My companion of course was like, he does.  So she let us in. We talked a ton. They do marketing for the game I used to play before my mission, League of Legends. They were awesome we got a return appointment for Jan. 25th.

I think it was like two days later we were knocking and a 14 year old boy opened the door. We asked him if his parents were home and they weren't, so we just left him with a card. He actually ended up taking a picture of it and sending it to one of his friends. He said that he felt something with the card, like he needed to learn more. Yup, exactly what I thought pass a long cards do work!

We met another lady who we scheduled an appointment with this Saturday, and she said she is going to make her husband listen to and make him go to church. Ha! That's funny, so hopefully all these things go through. Keep praying.

Well, I just wanted to talk about God. How amazing is God. He is our Heavenly Father. We are His children. He loves each of us. His purpose is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of men. He wants us to enjoy all of His blessings. He wants to help us make right choices. He wants to be a good parent. Just imagine how much He loves us, so much that He sent His son into the world to perform the atonement, so we could return to live with Him, and become like Him. We can come to know Him through service, Mosiah 5:13 "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served..." And as we come to more greatly know Him, we will feel His love more strongly in our lives, and last of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that are given to Deity. He has asked us to address Him as Father. We are children of God. The blood of Deity is in us. Always remember who you are. I love you.

Love Elder Larman

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