Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello Everyone!

Last week was awesome! The area has been slow for a while, but we found 2 new investigators. A family! A couple with a little girl who is 2. So, what we have been doing is we have been sharing Alma 8 with people, but we liken it to Stevenson Ranch, my new area. Alma just got transferred to Stevenson Ranch. He wants to work hard, but the people spit on him and cast him out. He goes to his Mission President and says President I'm done. This area sucks. I want to go home. President said no sorry you have to go back to Stevenson Ranch. I'm not going to send you home. So he goes back to Stevenson Ranch and he was hungry. He sees a random guy on the street and asked him for food. The guy said I'm a less active member and an angel told me that a servant of God would ask for food and if I feed him my home will be blessed. Anyway to make this story short we ask him if he could invite his friends to eat with us. So the idea is we'll be eating dinner with a lot of non-members. So from this, the Bishop’s family brought the non-member family mentioned earlier. We talked to them and answered questions and set up an appointment and we taught them yesterday. They are really seekers for the truth and they want their daughter to grow up in a good church, who by the way is adopted from a Mormon family. So it is all pretty cool. We will teach them again this Thursday
Another cool/funny thing that happened this last week is a new family moved into the ward and we had dinner with them last Tuesday. Afterwards we were sharing the message of the Restoration, and their 10 year old daughter was asking very deep questions, so finally we asked her "Do you believe with all your heart that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ?" She was like yeahhhh, well no. Haha her parents just about fell out of their chairs. Both of them are returned missionaries. We basically turned her into a new investigator. We are going to teach the Plan of Salvation tomorrow. Yesterday at church her parents told us she has been reading the Book of Mormon all week.

Message of the week: So in The Lord of the Rings,The Return of the King. There is the scene where Aragorn is going into the city of the dead, he says, "I do not fear death." Then he goes in. In the Doctrine and Covenants 121:44 it says, "That he may know that thy faithfulness is stronger than the cords of death." Fear no man. Open your mouth and proclaim the true and everlasting gospel. The world at this time more than ever needs it, and only the gospel can bring world peace. Replace Fear with Faith. I love you all.

Love Elder Larman

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