Monday, August 19, 2013

Hey guys! 

Last week was great! Last Tuesday was the day! Finally after 6 1/2 months, I got my permanent teeth. They aren't as nice as my old real ones. :( But! they are a lot nicer than the temporaries, so I'll have to make do until the resurrection. Then! I will have the nicest smile in heaven.

Also, I got my first male convert yesterday! Bryant Smith got baptized it was so cool. Finally, a convert that can have the priesthood. It was so exciting. The spirit was there so strongly during the ordinance. He bore his testimony after he changed and it was so awesome! Everyone was like where did you find this guy.

We have another baptism on September 1st. Another guy! His name is Damien, I'm pretty sure I already mentioned him, but if not really quick, he is the one who basically already knows all the doctrine we teach. The first thing we did with him was set a baptismal date because that's what he wanted to do and he already knew the Book of Mormon is true. So we are super excited for that as well.

In the scriptures it talks about how in the last days there will be greater miracles. This didn't happen in our mission, but there was a crazy miracle that just happened somewhere else. Missionaries were knocking doors, and they came across with this woman. This woman took care of a lot of orphan children. When she answered the door they said "We are representatives of Jesus Christ. If He were here what would you have him do for you?" She said, “Well, I take care of all these children, but I'm blind, so I would ask Him to heal my sight." Then they asked her "Can we bless you in the name of Jesus Christ?" She said yes. The missionary talking was like ok he'll do it pointing to his companion who was a brand new missionary. So the new missionary gave the lady a blessing. A week later they went back to follow up with her and she could see. How crazy is that!  Anyway, I thought that was cool. So stay classy.

Elder Larman


                                                   with Bryant

With Bryant, his mom, his son, and a friend who baptized him.

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