Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hey everyone!

Last week was awesome! So we have knocked this area a ton (we work with members too, but nothing ever happens) But finally, we have found some new investigators. We are teaching some good people right now, pretty regularly.

Last Tuesday, we were able to teach two lessons. We are still teaching a man named John. I think I talked about him before. He is 61 years old. He met with missionaries like 10 years ago and read the Book of Mormon twice. We taught him on Tuesday. He said that he has always been closed to the Book of Mormon, the first time he has been open to it was since he started to meet with us. He says there is a lot he has to consider that he hasn't considered before. He is truly seeking for an answer. Then we also taught Christian on Tuesday. Not sure how much I have told you about him, but he is around our age. He likes what we are teaching, but I'm not sure if he is willing to change right now. Then later that day we were knocking and a guy let us in and we taught the restoration, but we didn't get a return appointment because he is going out of town. On Thursday we got let in again! Another guy named John. He is from Ghana and went to school in Minnesota. We didn't get a return appointment with him either because he said he didn't want to get confused with what we are teaching and his church pfft. 

On Friday, we taught a lady named Kathy. She is very interested in learning more about our beliefs. We picked her up as a new investigator. Hopefully that spark will turn into a fire.

Then on Saturday, we knocked, they let us in and we taught two people the restoration! Once again, we didn't get a return appointment because they live in Palmdale. It is there dad's house, they just stop by every once in a while. Still though, we saw a ton of miracles and things are going well. Knocking the same streets over and over again gets tiring, but hey, whatever. Love you.

Love Elder Larman 

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